In Pursuit Of Righteousness
Purity is the hallmark of godliness.
Purity is not a life without filth, but a
proof of constant cleansing.
This however, is not a stamp for an unrighteous
life, rather a proof of a down payment for the pursuit of a life without
grunge; it’s the supreme God giving excuses for our infirmity.
My head bow, humbling my heart for the
unimaginable amazing grace greasing my path to stay righteous and pure. What a
wonderful God!
Our motivation to pursue righteousness should not just be to
escape the end-time event or horror, but also that our testimony of Christ will
not be evil spoken.
How to walk in this pursuit
· Don’t live in denial
Never tempt yourself
Simple and concise piece. It hits the nail hard and drives it into the right spot. Great thought sir.