Monday, February 7, 2011

Attitudes of the Ultimate gunners

Attitudes of the ultimate gunners
Born out of my love for the prestigious football club Arsenal FC, I made a speech sometime ago, (2006). I tried expressing key lessons to becoming “the ultimate” personality anyone could desire. I hope you will love it.

Attitude #1: Establish your goal post.
No one scores a goal without a goal post.
What will you call success when it happens? Write it down. The road to success should not be that of a wishful journey. Be deliberate. Learning to live life deliberately had helped increase my capacity for greatness. Your capacity to handle issues in life determines if you are ready for another level of greatness or not.
To establish your goal post, certain things has to be set:
a. SMART: be sPECFIC . let your goals be mEASURABLE. Make it rEALIsTIC.
b. Be well schooled in your area of choice. Never make uninformed choice.
c. Be proactive: be the first to do..... ideas have shelf life.

Attitude# 2: Play your GAME.
What you do with the ball determine what happen to the score board.
Never allow distraction in any form. You might meet obstacles, keep moving anyways.
Only growing people meet obstacles. If you are not growing anyhow taller, you don’t have a problem with the door post.

Attitude #3: Don’t just keep records, keep details. Detailed people have a way of turning out great in life.

Attitude 4: Be ready to learn.
When the student is ready the teacher will appear. Learning is living. If you are not learning you are not living.
Build your leadership skill, every other thing is founded on it. Build an irresistible personality.
Continuous and never ending improvement should be your watch word daily. It’s the stirring rod of great achievement.
Always remember that, EXCELLENCE HAS NO FINISH LINE.

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