Monday, February 28, 2011


I try to end this article with life is richer, because life is richer when you know what to do.Enjoy this.

Life is a journey. In reality life has been completely misunderstood.
The reason for the breath of life within us is for a purpose: a specific assignment to be achieved per time.
Life is a journey of assignments. It’s not party time until its mission accomplished.
The discovery of purpose is the beginning of the journey. Learn to discover your purpose. At every stage of life there will be different assignment to pursue, never mistake a bend for a bus stop. You will meet people on your journey to purpose in life that being with them may mean comfort but not destiny- destination. To build a mansion where you should pitch a tent is disaster.
Learn to know what stage of time and purpose you are. The understanding of times and seasons will differentiate the great. Move when the umpire of life blows the whistle.
Never live life as a victim. Feeling sorry for yourself or what you do, it will limit your impact. It is by no means a secret anymore that the energy of human mind is critical to the measure of his/her impact level.
Always keep a cheerful attitude. Life is richer that way.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Relationship Lessons from the SCHOOL OF HARDKNOCKS.PART II

8. Be your dream spouse.
Water will find its level. You attract value to the worth of your personality. If you want to marry a queen, are you a king? Each person marries who he or she deserves.

9. Never ignore relationship danger signs.
God will reveal to you in style and phase certain reasons not to marry a particular person, dont ignore them. It may cost your life and others.

10. Incubate.
Dont tell it all to friends in the immediate when love find you. Allow the passion of love grow strong between the two before letting the steam out. Only God knows who is your friend.

11. Strike when the iron is HOT.
Say it now! I learnt this the hard way. When there is a strong build up of chemistry between two, and your total being agrees, (a deep seated witness) wait no more.Say it now!

12. Be sincere.
Answer the brutal question. Do I want this? What do you want?
Get a vision of the person you want to get married to / spend your destiny with. Dont be high minded,but never cut yourself short. Dont cut short your like and dislike they are innate and God given.
Dont ever say : “we are going into an unknown future”. Never! After all that you know. Oh , sorry may be you know nothing. You should have a glimpse of the future if not a clear picture before you take someone along, especially for men. The most disasterous moment of a visionary is when the spouse cant believe in him. Make sure your spouse believes in your vision.

Wish you a wonderful relationship. Thanks.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Relationship Lessons from the SCHOOL OF HARDKNOCKS I.

Its Valentines day, glossing through my note , i thought a love message will make the day, so i have choosen some persnal lessons that will be a blessing to all. Remember, little hinges swing huge doors.Enjoy the secrets.

Relationship tips that I learnt in a hardway.
1. Never listen to what you dont intend to practise.
Especially emotionally crazy stuffs, they have a way of setting your emotion on fire.

Words when wrongly processed always corrrupt everyother thing in the production line of the mind. Your mind is your processing chamber of life and death.

2. Dont say it when you dont mean it.
Your tongue is fire. Use it wisely.

3. Be careful not to build your future on a strong emotional rush, that is temporal, untested by time or principles.

Time has a way of revealing the truth. Time is a custodian of detail. When love is without principles, its like a gun in the hands of a toddler. When love is allowed to mature in the womb of time and principle, its like the painting brush in the hands of Micheal Angelo, a master piece will soon evolve.

4. S.P.A.C.E. give her space. That you are all over her dosent give you the ticket to marry her. Things that are scares have a way of been treasured. But be consistent.

5. Label your relationship.
Not all relationship should end in marriage. Some are just friendship for a season. Never mistake to label acid as water, it could mean life and death.

6. Never take a silence for a negative response.

7. Dont close a door on a relationship that appears to make you misrable when you could have made it better.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Attitudes of the Ultimate gunners

Attitudes of the ultimate gunners
Born out of my love for the prestigious football club Arsenal FC, I made a speech sometime ago, (2006). I tried expressing key lessons to becoming “the ultimate” personality anyone could desire. I hope you will love it.

Attitude #1: Establish your goal post.
No one scores a goal without a goal post.
What will you call success when it happens? Write it down. The road to success should not be that of a wishful journey. Be deliberate. Learning to live life deliberately had helped increase my capacity for greatness. Your capacity to handle issues in life determines if you are ready for another level of greatness or not.
To establish your goal post, certain things has to be set:
a. SMART: be sPECFIC . let your goals be mEASURABLE. Make it rEALIsTIC.
b. Be well schooled in your area of choice. Never make uninformed choice.
c. Be proactive: be the first to do..... ideas have shelf life.

Attitude# 2: Play your GAME.
What you do with the ball determine what happen to the score board.
Never allow distraction in any form. You might meet obstacles, keep moving anyways.
Only growing people meet obstacles. If you are not growing anyhow taller, you don’t have a problem with the door post.

Attitude #3: Don’t just keep records, keep details. Detailed people have a way of turning out great in life.

Attitude 4: Be ready to learn.
When the student is ready the teacher will appear. Learning is living. If you are not learning you are not living.
Build your leadership skill, every other thing is founded on it. Build an irresistible personality.
Continuous and never ending improvement should be your watch word daily. It’s the stirring rod of great achievement.
Always remember that, EXCELLENCE HAS NO FINISH LINE.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Lesson #3: Define what success is to you.
What is success?
What do you want from life?
If you get what you want. Will you want what you get?
We should be able to answer the vital questions of life. Life in itself is full of questions, those that cannot provide adequate answers get cut up in misfortune and failure in life.
Each one should be able to determine what success is to him or her at every point in time.
The definition of success may change with time and season in our lives.
For boy of age 5, to him success may be to have so more toys to play with and more parties to attend. At age ten the definition of success changes, it may be to pass the “common entrance” examination. When he becomes an undergraduate, attaining good grade in school and getting a well paying job in a blue chip company may be success.
At marriage success is spelled differently. Definitely at old age success is much more than the regular.
It’s time to find what success is to you, and then pursue it.
Success is a journey.
Success is a process. Learn the process, obey the rules as you journey the road of greatness and never stop at pursuing the best.
Success is:
Knowing your purpose in life,
growing to reach your maximum potential,
and sowing seed that benefit others.