Thursday, May 19, 2011


Never give your power away.
Delegation has cost us the strength of our being. Team work has broken the backbone of celebrities in their foetus stage of development. Not to talk of technology, this left many behind, without an ability to provide livelihood for their family.

I do believe in doing things as a team, but whenever you are privilege to lead a team or in leading your home and life into destiny, kindly learn to own the password to the vital areas to whatever it takes to succeed.
Learning this the hard way was not the best. Not to worry I learnt it very fast. As an undergraduate I organised various seminars teaching personal development strategies, self mastery, social ethics and protocol. I just knew what to say and how to get the wao moment from my audience, but never master the perfect use of Microsoft power point. I delegated it to friends who never knew the urgency of the work just a night before the major event.
The university conference hall was already set, posters and handbills with my pictures where all around campus, participants where already paying for the seminars. Here I am without a complete power point slides for my presentation. The content was very rich and voluminous; it was an intensive training of three days and minimum of six hours daily. I could not do it myself, I wrote the content on a note book for friends to help type, cut to the content on power point slide and put to appropriate design for use.

Working for about seven hours friends left me to my business of fame and knowledge without skill. With further complication from my laptop developing a screen problem I felt alone.
All thanks, there was a prompting within me never to be afraid, I got dress, getting to the conference centre three hours early in company of another friend who came with his laptop and printer to help. While speaking he was designing the next set of slides for presentation.
Never give your power away. Whatever makes your business work, be the master at it.

In IT business you may not be able to learn the programming languages or the necessary coding, but learn the process that lead to the programming and if you are given the codes can you input it appropriately? If that is not the core of your business do not mind.

In a church the power point is not in the choir or technical personnel, not to talk of sanctuary keepers or traffic and security department, although they are important, but the ability to design a system that unity the different skills and faces is the core of Church, this comes with the most essential ingredient, Spiritual connectivity- the power of God and the ministration of the word. This should not be delegated to the prayer department, neither to a bible study group.
As a mother or wife taking care of your children and honouring your husband is the core of that aspect of your life. It should not be delegated to a house maid or some care givers. To fathers or husbands providing and loving your wife and children is what you do, be a master at that too.

If everyone learns to be proficient at work the world will be a better place.
Never give your power away.

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