Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Say Goodbye

The pain of separation cannot be quantify to the joy of following your dreams.

Man was never made to be tolerated, or tolerate each other.
True love over come all evil.
Never tolerate the pain of keeping up at the detriment of your dream.

Say goodbye.
Say goodbye to tradition: the revelation of the past.
Say goodbye to the lords of hate: they only see your fault.
Say goodbye to dead flies: they kill the potency of your dreams.
Say goodbye to your fears: they just fault evidence appearing real.
Say goodbye to destiny delays: your mates are on the run.

Never live to please people.
Their life will continue with or without you, why not wake up to fulfilling your dreams.
Start from the little ideas, you will never know which idea the Trinity has blessed.
Always remember that ideas have sheaf life.
Time and seasons are ripe when you feel the most love blended with hate.
Love and hate don't exist together, don't be deceived.

The creator has deeply connected the heart of men to the reflection of their faces, learning to study the process of the heart of men through the hate in their smiles.
Biblical David narrowly escape the javelin of the "most holy" of his days, pain may also come from the most holy place in your history.
Take the instructions of your internal guidance system!

Say goodbye! 

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