Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Judge of all?

Wisdom is important for living.
Strategic planing and positioning is important to an extra-ordinary life.
Understanding is the establishment of profound idea.
Knowledge puffs up.

Never imagine yourself as superior to another human.
Judgement is not in within the jurisdiction of human over human.

Judge no mans servant, to his master he stands or fall.
Advice people, don't manipulate them.

Leaders should always ask: "If they(your followers) have more resources, will they choose you to lead them?"
"I'm I allowing the gifts within each person flow, or I'm I using them for my un-expressed self interest?"

When close associates can't tell you when you are wrong as their leader, its not the best.

Mentorship is by the willing submission of another and the protege is the first to propose or declare mentorship.

Never use your vantage position to run people down, getting back on his feet, he is coming for you; vengeance is theirs at that point.

Never assume you are correct.
Native sense is not always updated, or is it a yardstick to all issue.
Be flexible. Blessed are the flexible, shall not bend beyond normal.

Like I always say, balance is not always at the mid-point.

Judge no man, but encourage,advice, counsel and support willing persons
Please, don't be involve in the process of mixing for life processes. Stay clear

Remember, you are not El-shaddai.

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