Friday, December 3, 2010


(This post was due four days ago, but I should not just post because it’s Monday, I must have a message. I hope you will enjoy this post).

Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bending beyond normal.

Balance in life may not always be at the centre; sometimes it’s a little away to the right or left.

Flexibility is important to unlocking creativity.
There is no one way of doing a thing, you may only know one way of doing it, but never stay on a one route to the future.
Retain your principles, but learn to be flexible in operation.
Great leaders may not bend the rule, they only make them flexible.

Life in itself will bring many challenges your way, learn to be flexible.
You can’t run your life on a monotone, to create a rhythm you have to be flexible; this is a sure way to win the game of life even when the referee is against you.

You can significantly change your life by your contribution, planning and praying always. Whenever the situation of the real world is tilting away from your game plan, remember to switch to your most intelligent mode: being flexible.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm! I enjoyed this piece. The Plans can be flexible but the Goals must be definite.
