Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Be that Hero

Sometimes you have to be your own hero, because most of the people you think you can't live without, can actually live without you.

Win your battles.
Never live wounded.
Hurts are not for the brave heart.
To be successful and significant, taking the world in your hand, you have to be that hero well deserving for yourself.

Believe in yourself.
Stay focus on your dream.
If you don't focus on your dream you will be a mockery.
People may soon hire you to build their dream if you don't get busy with yours.

Your next level is in been courageous and dearing.
Be strategic and "formless" about every move.
The art of wining is focus and "formlessness".

If there are any rule, this is the rule:
First gain Deep knowledge and pursue with strong action!
The un-emotional, reserved, calm, detached warrior wins

You are that hero!

Be Thankful

At age 108, Holocaust survivor Alice Herz Sommer still practices piano for 3 hours every day.

At age 104, she had a book written about her life: "A Garden Of Eden In Hell."

At age 83, she had cancer. Alice survived the concentration camps through her music, her optimism and her gratitude for the small things that came her way - a smile, a kind word, the sun.

When asked about the secret of her longevity, Alice says: "I look where it is good."

Everything, however little in your life, is a present. The greatest secret of life is found in looking where it good. No matter what you're going through now, you will atleast find something that is working; be thankful.

- Inspiration from my friend Tayo Ilori


I found these stories inspiring, it will inspire you too.

No. 1
Once all villagers decided 2 pray 4 rain. On Prayer day, all people gathered & only 1 boy came with an umbrella.,.


No. 2
When u throw a baby in the air, he laughs because he knows u will catch him.,.


No. 3
Every night, we go 2 bed, we have no assurance 2 wake up alive the next morning but still we set alarm 4 tomorrow.,.


So keep Faith, Trust & have Hope everyday and everytime for greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world