Can life be threating?
Can man threaten man?
Should life be threating?
Should man threaten man?
Creation was never design to be threating, neither was creature was designed to threaten each other.
Dominion was never given to man over man. Life was design for pleasure, never for pain.
The moment creation or creature become the cause of wickedness, the sequence of the creator has been tampered with.
Fear is not for man.
Resist fear and every torment of fear.
Be the best among your kind. Strive for excellence.
Be a war Lord on your knee.
When you do.
The threat, torment and fear of both creature and creation will be far from you.
Never struggle to have the "trademark" or the "titles", very soon the world will know where the answer came.
Influence is never position driven. Leadership is an attitude. A job is different from influence, get your perspectives right.
Speak the truth, in love and with all tact.
Fear is not for man.
Self and System Mastery is the key to Making Radical Impact. Join me as we discover secrets of a life time.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
Rhyme and Pattern
Life plays out in form of music.
Patterned in a multi-directional flow,
history and stories of our lives replay itself with a notable
Have been disappointed severally,
There are no time in history when help was withheld,
pattern of grace is regular even in face of the many strokes of
anger of the holiest of men.
Never be quick to notice bad rhyme and pattern of life.
Rather observe the hand writing of the invisible
creator, the only wise one,
the silent listener in every conversation, the visitor who
never gives burden but pleasures forever.
Who do you respect?
Whose words are written in gold?
Whose life encourages your rhyme and pattern, give
attention to their words and actions?
Success begins when you know that every day brings the best of
life with the right rhyme and pattern.
Success begins today.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Great relationships need more than just good communication. To
keep your relationship intact and alive, be a ‘STAR’.
Support – Support each other on a variety of levels.
For example, supporting each other’s life goals is important over
the long term, while sharing household chores fairly is a way to provide day-to-day
practical help.
Trust – You have to be able to trust each other in order to strengthen a
loving partnership. Trust grows when behaviours go well together with
Showing that you will do what you say you will. Acting in
honest and trustworthy ways.
This is an essential aspect of demonstrating that the relationship
remains a priority.
Appreciation – Sincere appreciation expressed at the right moment is vital.
After being in a relationship for years, couples often assume that
their partner knows they are appreciated.
They may stop expressing thanks or compliments. They can fall into
the trap of taking one other for granted.
Expressions of appreciation do not have to be big or expensive to
be valuable. A simple “thank you” goes a long way.
Respect – In healthy relationships, people respect and accept one another,
warts and all.
It is important to value each other’s opinions and understand that
even if you love someone, there are bound to be disagreements.
Accepting one another’s differences and
finding constructive ways to resolve them are keys to long-term success.
If one person feels they must always “give in” to the other’s
opinions or decisions, this provides a breeding ground for resentment.
Over the long term, such resentments have the potential to destroy
the love and joy in a partnership.
No relationship is blissful all of the time!
Most couples experience ups and downs as a normal part of living.
In other situations, relationship difficulties can feel
In this part of the world, the practice is for couples to tell
only the good sides of their stories.
It has been observed that most of the time, when a man or woman is
confident enough as to tell the real bad side of their relationship story to
others, more often than not, such relationship is as good as over.
While it is not encouraged to let 3rd parties into your
home with their opinions, it cannot be over emphasized that in the multitude of
counsel, there is safety.
The caution therefore is, where do you seek counsel?
No matter how great or small a person is, you must have someone
you respect and whose opinion matters.
Find that person as it pertains to your spouse.
Understand the reason why such a person is reverend by our spouse.
With God’s wisdom, endeavour to transfer same reverence to such a
When you and your partner are feeling “stuck”, consider accessing
relevant information from God’s Word; make research on the subject in books of
renowned authors.
Friday, February 10, 2012
The Truth
Can you stand to be told the truth?
Especially when you have not being the best of yourself?
The truth about you may not be written on the surface. You may be better than the traits that are exhibited beneath your personal glow.
Inconsistency is human. Don’t run away from the truth. We all at a certain point in our life have to being naked and never ashamed.
Recently, I had to face bitter reality of things. This led to healing and victory. If in recent time you never beaten yourself to shape you are a disaster in waiting.
No matter what level you are on the food chain, you can be wrong. Learn to admit early. That is the problem of the self centre, egoistic personalities. You can be wrong!
Our ability to respond swiftly to the knowledge of the truth, determine long we will remain relevant. Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent beyond normal.
Better to be corrected as a gate keeper, than bring shame yourself when you have become a prince.
The most difficult examination is self examination, but it pays more divided.
What to do with the truth.
1. Prove it.
2. Receive it.
3. Meditate on it.
4. Act on it.
5. Live by it.
6. Hand it over.
Remember, the boss can be wrong.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Empty your heart.
Its the seat of greatness.
Empty your heart from all that hurts, put the past behind,the future is here.
Empty your heart for judgment is Gods'.
The stories of great men are written in solitude.
The secrets of greatness is in the lonely path of life.
Empty your life of human weeds.
Empty it! It's a new planting season let's cultivate freshness.
The agrarian concept of planting teaches to always get rid of the weeds.
Less we create unnecessary pressure,empty!
Get sin out of the way.
If your heart hurts at the sight,thought or in the act of something, retrace your steps.
Be careful, never indulge in counting how many times you fell or stood, for it will never matter if you are not on your feet when it matters at judgment.
Get competition out! Empty.
The spirit of competitive jealousy breaks the bond of peace and clog the wheel of progress.
Never allow its virus spread to you.
Be courteous both in thought and act.
Remember, you are never stronger when your brother is down in battle, don't feel cool until all is well.
Empty yourself of vanity.
Keep no evil or vain thought,Empty.
Ventilate your soul,Empty.
Plant for the future,Empty.
Empty your heart.
Its the seat of greatness.
Empty your heart from all that hurts, put the past behind,the future is here.
Empty your heart for judgment is Gods'.
The stories of great men are written in solitude.
The secrets of greatness is in the lonely path of life.
Empty your life of human weeds.
Empty it! It's a new planting season let's cultivate freshness.
The agrarian concept of planting teaches to always get rid of the weeds.
Less we create unnecessary pressure,empty!
Get sin out of the way.
If your heart hurts at the sight,thought or in the act of something, retrace your steps.
Be careful, never indulge in counting how many times you fell or stood, for it will never matter if you are not on your feet when it matters at judgment.
Get competition out! Empty.
The spirit of competitive jealousy breaks the bond of peace and clog the wheel of progress.
Never allow its virus spread to you.
Be courteous both in thought and act.
Remember, you are never stronger when your brother is down in battle, don't feel cool until all is well.
Empty yourself of vanity.
Keep no evil or vain thought,Empty.
Ventilate your soul,Empty.
Plant for the future,Empty.
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