Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Self Gentleness

One form of gentleness we should practice is towards ourselves. 
We should never get irritated with ourselves because of our imperfections. 

It is reasonable to be displeased and sorry when we commit faults, but not fretful or spiteful to ourselves.

Some make the mistake of being angry because they have been angry, hurt because they have hurt, vexed because they have been vexed. 

They think they are getting rid of anger, that the second remedies the first; actually, they are preparing the way for fresh anger on the first occasion.

Besides this, all irritation with ourselves tends to foster pride and springs from self-love, which is displeased at finding we are not perfect.

We should regard our faults with calm, collected and firm displeasure.
We correct them better by a quiet persevering repentance than by an irritated, hasty, and passionate one.

When your heart has fallen, raise it gently, humbling yourself before God, acknowledging your fault, but not surprised at your fall.

Francis de Sales, “A Mother’s Heart”

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Love Vs Obligation

A house is a house until love comes through the door and love intuitively goes around sprinkling that special extra that transforms a house into a very special home for very special people:your family.

Money,of course,can build a charming house,but only love can furnish it with feeling of home.

Duty can pack adequate sack lunch,but love may decide to tuck a little love note inside.

Money can provide a television set, but love controls it and cares enough to say no and take the guff that comes with it.

Obligation can cook a meal,but embellishes the table with potted ivy trailing around slender candles.

Duty writes many letters, but love tucks a joke or apicture or a fresh stick of gum inside.

Compulsion keeps a sparkling house. But love and prayer stand a better chance of producing a happy family.

Duty gets offended quickly if  isn't appreciated. But love learns to laugh a lot and work for the sheer joy of doing it.

Obligation can pour a glass of milk,but quite often love will add a little chocolate.

Author Unknown

Friday, November 11, 2011

The Makings of a Great Story

I love the story of Joseph. I think it's my favorite. There are many people who love this story. What makes it such a great story?

See if this lines up with your thoughts: I love how his brothers hate him. I think it's great that they plot to kill him. It's really cool how they decide to throw him in a pit. It's moving to read how his father's heart breaks at the report of Joseph's "death". Being sold to slavery must have been so cool! Getting to ride those camels...

That's not all! It gets better! He gets to go to prison for something he didn't do! He's put in chains. I love to read how he helps this guy who forgets about him for 2 years! Ah, what a story...

Are these the parts of this story that make it great to you? Of course, there are those other elements. There's the love of his father. He gets a great coat of many colors. He has awesome dreams of the future. He's put in charge of the household of Potiphar. Then, he's given charge of the jail! Ultimately, he's brought into the king's presence, and obtains the most powerful position in the kingdom.

Too often we forget that these are elements of the same story.

A few years ago, I had the pleasure of having dinner with Mark Bouman, a missionary from Cambodia. He has some stories. Someone he doesn't know gave him $100,000 to build a school for the government in his country. At another time, he was in a group of people who raised $250,000 for the mission field in 15 minutes. He told about how 2 major league baseball players each gave several hundred thousand dollars to his missions work.

Great story, right?

The missionary also told how he and his family stood on the street in front of his house as a jeep with a mounted machine gun came around the corner shooting everyone that was outside. His family got inside in time. He told of the raw sewage that surrounded the school. He told of fleeing the country with his family at night. he told of how his house was the only thing between two warring factions. He told of machine guns being pointed in his face as his family watched.

Guess what... Same story.

What's your story? There's a consistent pattern in the "great" stories. It's the pattern of God's faithfulness. What makes God's faithfulness so evident is the obedience of his people. The story of Joseph and the story of Mark Bouman (the missionary) are stories of men. They're just people like you and me. Their lives have effected untold thousands.

Whether I realize it or not, my life has all the makings of a great story. I have a key roll. No matter what circumstances are in front of me, all I have to do is obey what God commands. It may or may not involve prisons, camels or machine guns, but that doesn't make a difference. My Dynamic Lifestyle of Worship is not contingent on comfort, ease, or convenience. It's a decision I make. I will give God my life. All of it. I will offer him the highest form of worship: my obedience.

Right there are all the makings of a great story!

Credit to Pastor Greg Lathe (the author) and my friend Charles Dayo Oluyori, who forward the story to me.God bless you sirs.

Wisdom but bitter

For some people, the only true action towards change is the one they lead. Wake up, this isn't BC, it's AD. Quit hating on everything (one).

Life does not revolve only around your idea.
The earlier you recognise the all-important input of other men, the faster you realise and live in greatness.

Nothing is absolute in itself.
Everything- idea, doctrine, innovation, beliefs, ideology, and teachings- will require balance.

Balance at some point may not necessarily be in the middle.
The wisdom of the biblical King Solomon may not work in the days of Barack Obama.

The same secrets that took Tiger Woods to the top should never be discarded, because he failed.
Take the success secret, leave the rest. Learn the tricks of the tiger, but never enter the woods.
There is no War General without a scar.

There are no iron-clad rules in life. Be flexible.
Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not the bend beyond normal.

Life should  be expressed within a family structure, however when you are single greatness begins.
Kindly do yourself a favour, do not wait for the structure before you succeed.

If do not succeed because someone treated you bad, you may soon find out you sold your birth right to an offence.
If plan A fails, remember the alphabet has 25 other letters.

Give no one the opportunity to make you angry.
Anger is for the fool.

Talk less.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Silent Night

Great day.
It will shock you that I m not about composing another christmas song or something..
Silent nights occur in everyones life and there may be season of some quiets.
The approach to the difficult seasons of life determines what you are made of.

Silent moments are those challenging moments of life you dont want to return to.
If this moments are recourrent in your life it means there is something you should learn but you have not.
Brace up to learn.
Document the lessons and experience as you grow.
Nothing is as difficult as it first appear.
Never violate your internal guidance system.
Be real with yourself. Never say you are not wrong.
Simply learn and move on.

Your journey to greatness begins when you can tell yourself the truth without killing yourself.
As we learn in life our mistakes should be minimal.
Learning preceed reigning.
Never run from the bitter truth.
People upgrade your life when they tell you the truth.
You are more blessed if you can agree to change.
Am changing 360 degree from now. So much lessons.

God is ever faithful.
He will never tell you to jump only to pull off the mattress.
Always remember that you are in safe hands.

Peace to my soul.